Hydrophobic Silicon Wafers
A Process Development Engineer requested a quote for the following:
We need 6” Si wafers with notch. Single sided polished. Standard Si wafer thickness. No requirements on dopant type or resistivity. Quantity: Quote for 1 wafer and Quote for 6 wafers. We are looking for 6" Teflon coated Si wafers:
Teflon coated 6” Si wafers (preferred with notch).
Single sided polished, with Teflon coating on the polished side.
Standard 6" Si wafer thickness of around 625-650um
No requirements on dopant type or resistivity.
Quote for 1 wafer and Quote for 6 wafers.
Reference #275056 for specs and pricing.
We provided low quantity to large quantity silicon wafers coated hydrophobic film.
Some clients use our teflon coated silicon is great for your spin application or for making PDMS microstructures.
Just like your cooking pans, teflon coated surfaces allows you to pull your microstructures off without hassle!
Recently our clients asks for the following specs
Email us your specs today!
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Hydrophobic Silicon Wafers Repelling Liquid

Hydrophobic Teflon Coated Silicon Wafers
A PhD Student requested the following quote:
I am looking for a quote for 5x polished hydrophobic teflon coated Si Wafers, preferably with the wafers being 6" in diameter though smaller sized wafers would still be adequate depending on what is in stock. I attempted to send this request via your website, but there was an error and it gave me your email to send the request to instead. Further, from any testing that you've done with such wafers, do you know how hot such it can go before the PTFE coating begins to fail or delaminate? For reference, we would be hoping to heat these to around 150 C at maximum.
I'd be hoping to have the polished mirror-like surface of a Si wafer along with the hydrophobic characteristics and heat resistance of the teflon. We'd be looking for a 6" wafer though we can make use of a smaller wafer if that is too large or is a major price increase, and would appreciate a quote for what 1x would cost and what 5x would cost.
Refernce #262614 for specs and pricing.
A graduate student requeseted the following quote:
Hydrophobic Silicon With Good Surface Roughness
A graduate student requested the following quote:
I wanted to make an inquiry if your company makes Silicon wafers with rough surfaces (i.e. unpolished surface or something basically not smooth). I am currently working on a project that requires me to utilize a hydrophobic surface without any external chemical modification (e.g. having a silane monolayer, or coating with carbon black etc.). So I am asking if your company makes wafers with good surface roughness (hydrophobic surface)?
Reference #266172 for specs and pricing.
High Surface Contact Angle
I am looking for wafers with the highest possible surface contact angle. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.
I am not too familiar with silicon wafers so the main specs I am looking for is a smooth surface and a high surface contact angle (~90deg).
What contact angle are you referring to?
Are you looking for Silicon wafers with a polished and hydrophobic surface?
Such wafers are not kept in stock because their surface oxidizes, changing from hydrophobic to hydrophilic, over time. We can prepare them freshly for you or give you instructions on how to restore the surface to hydrophobic condition.
Do specify what you need and how many wafers you require.

Above is an image of what I was referring to for the contact angle.
Yes, I was looking for wafers with a polished and hydrophobic surface.
Could you quote me for 5 prepared wafers?